Iann Barron

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We’re sad to tell you that Iann passed away earlier this month, having been ill for some time, at his beloved home (Barrow Court) with his family at his bedside. Iann was a major contributor to the scientific community and had a great influence on many of us who worked at inMOS. We are collecting the reflections of former colleagues on his work and on their contact with him. We will then send them to his family with our condolences. We know of at least three STiPAG members who worked with Iann at his first start up company, Computer Technology Ltd (CTL), and one individual contact who was with him prior to that at Elliot Automation. Please forward this email to other individuals who knew Iann and that you believe might wish to contribute to this collation of memories of his most fascinating life. If you wish to add any recollections, please respond to this email address (stipag93@gmail.com) Updated May 2022

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