U.S. 2014 Holiday Lunch


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Ralph Bohannon


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Debbie Stalnaker


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Vern Bergling


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Jeff Cooper


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Lennie Scimemi


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Kent Stalnaker


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Rich Pringle


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Don Carrigan


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Kim Carothers


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Paul Ruths


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Jay Johnson


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Daryl Dietrich


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Jim Adams


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Jim Allan


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Sue Champion


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Vern Bergling and Brian Dumas


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Bob Gower and Ron Miller


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Jeff Cooper and visitor Dr. Bo Lojek


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Kit and Steve Kemp


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Jeff and Pam Cooper


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Darly Dietrich and Mark Meyer


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Ron Miller, Kim Carothers and Lennie Scimemi


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Rich Jadomski and Ralph Bohannon


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Dennis Kiffe, Rich Jadomski and Ralph Bohannon


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Sue Champion and Ken Heddings


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Daryl Dietrich, Mark Meyer, Brian Dumas and Vern Bergling


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Jim Adams, Debbie Stalnaker, Kent Stalnaker and Paul Ruths


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Curt Stearns and Rich Pringle


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Jay Johnson, Dennis Kiffe and Rich Jadomski


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Don Carrigan, Bob Gower and Brad Hartman


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Debbie Stalnaker, Kent Stalnaker and Paul Ruths


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Jeff Cooper and Kim Carothers


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Steve Kemp, Kit Kemp and Sue Champion


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Bob Gower and Brad Hartman


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Brian Dumas and Vern Bergling